Monday, September 7, 2009

Final & Eva - Late Summer Update

I've been riding again, for about a month now. Ellen was up last weekend and we had 2 lessons with her. They were great, as always. I'm going to post a video so you can see what I'm talking about...Final feels fantastic! I'm really glad I had Susan ride him for me while I was busy having Izzy. Final is loose, supple, forward, and light! I'm enjoying each ride very much! With Ellen we worked on the usual, but I'm learning a very small aid that makes a huge difference. I'm trying to get the feel of catching Final's front feet as we ride. I started at the walk, and the ultimate goal is to catch his right and left front before they hit the ground into the next stride, and take it into a step backward. This makes such a difference in the trot and canter. It feels and looks as if I'm placing each foot exactly where I want it to go. The goal is to make him step higher. It's going to take continued practice to get this aid down, but man, it felt so great! Ellen said it's time to order my tail coat. PSG, look out! Hahaha. Watch for the video soon!

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Bronze Medal

I'm proud to say that Final has helped me earn my Bronze Medal from USDF. My beloved Yochi got the scores we needed at First Level, and Final helped me get the scores needed at Second and Third Levels. I'm pretty proud of my boys! They've taught me so much.

Up next, Silver Medal.