Monday, December 21, 2009

PSG, Here We Come!

What's that noise? It's like a nervous rattling and thumping...oh, it's me in my boots! I am pretty nervous to show Prix St. Georges, but, like Ellen said, Final isn't getting any younger. After a few years of working on Final's flying changes, just to get them clean, I'm now starting to work on the tempi changes. It's still an issue, trying to get Final's changes clean, but we've come a long way, and it's now or never. Final will turn 19 this January. He's such a good horse, and tries so hard.

So, what are my main challenges for PSG? Tempi changes and pirouette's. Plain and simple, only not so... My counting/timing seems off in the tempi's and Final likes to loose rhythm and swing his haunches to the right on the left pirouette. But hey, at least I can identify our weaknesses, and I know what to focus on. I actually enjoy the trot work, and Final should score well on that.

So, I'm trying to decide if I should show 4th level or PSG at the show coming up in February. be continued...

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Bronze Medal

I'm proud to say that Final has helped me earn my Bronze Medal from USDF. My beloved Yochi got the scores we needed at First Level, and Final helped me get the scores needed at Second and Third Levels. I'm pretty proud of my boys! They've taught me so much.

Up next, Silver Medal.